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Coming Full Circle - How I Continue to Become My Self

Over the last few years, I made the decision to feel comfortable being myself (my Self) in any given situation. This meant I had to make some changes—particularly to my physical appearance and to my willingness to be courageous. I wanted to wear what I wanted to wear, without being influenced by the fashion of the day. I wanted to do what I wanted to do, without feeling controlled by some illusory bubble of imagined assumptions or my desire to please. 

I had to let discomfort and sacrifice go, and start listening to the inner voice within me so I could stand as myself, as authentically as possible. And while I know there's more to discover, more room to grow into, I'm definitely feeling much more comfortable.

Admittedly, a lot of this is only recently coming to fruition and I owe much to the process of offering Yoga Nidra. The first Yoga Nidra I gave last September after changing the format and adding new elements that held meaning for me, was scary at first. I wasn't sure how it would be received—I wasn't sure how I would be received, sharing what I mostly keep to myself. But after that first session, after realizing that there was something good there, I decided that it didn't matter. If people wanted to be there, then great. I'd be there too. And if not, I'd play my bowls and harmonium alone in my meditation space as usual. I was okay either way.

What I make of it is this: So long as we are true to ourselves, we can't go wrong.

Offering something the way I wanted to offer it, without filtering myself, without fearing judgement, this is what I've been waiting for. I've been waiting for decades. Now, there is very little holding me back. It brings tears to my eyes to even think that I'm saying this—that I can say I finally feel this way, after all that work, all that pushing and pulling within myself. It wasn't a painless process and it was a necessary one. And surely, there’s more work to be done and I’m ready to do it.

After facilitating a drum circle for around forty women at the Royal Oak Woman’s Club this past Saturday, I felt reborn in a way. The next day I remade my website, giving it a new look, new verbiage. In that process I read something on my “About” page: It was that very day, ten years ago, January 5, 2015, that I came up with Creative Energy Yoga. And it happened that I chose that day to work on my site and make it anew.

“That must’ve been some drum circle!” you must be thinking… 

“It must’ve been!” I’m thinking right back.

Well, then, maybe we could all benefit from some joyful drum circles…


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